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Monetary Policy

MonetaryPolicy contracts are integrated into the crvUSD system and are responsible for the interest rate of crvUSD markets.

Contract Source & Deployment

Source code available on Github.

MonetaryPolicy Deployment Address
wstETH, sfrxETH2 0x1e7d3bf98d3f8d8ce193236c3e0ec4b00e32daae
sfrxETH 0xc684432fd6322c6d58b6bc5d28b18569aa0ad0a1
ETH 0xBB3fda661149f6E45D829D5dd54a1608577c5Fa1
wBTC, tBTC 0xb8687d7dc9d8fa32fabde63E19b2dBC9bB8B2138

Interest Rate

Markets have a dynamic rate, depending on the following components:

  • crvUSD price
  • sigma
  • rate0
  • TargetFraction
  • DebtFraction of PegKeepers

For the price of crvUSD, an aggregated oracle price of multiple Curve Stablwswap pools is used (see here).


Useful tool by 0xreviews to play around with rates:

\[r = rate0 * e^{power}\]
\[power = \frac{price_{peg} - price_{crvusd}}{sigma} - \frac{DebtFraction}{TargetFraction}\]
\[DebtFraction = \frac{PegKeeperDebt}{TotalDebt}\]
variable description
r rate
rate0 rate when pegkeepers have no debt and price of crvusd is 1
price_peg desired crvUSD price: 1.00
price_crvusd actual crvUSD price (aggregated from PRICE_ORACLE.price())
DebtFraction ratio of the PegKeeper's debt to the total outstanding debt
TargetFraction target fraction
PegKeeperDebt sum of debt of all PegKeepers
TotalDebt total crvUSD debt


rate and rate0 denominated in units of \(10^{18}\) for precision and represent the rate per second.

\(\text{annualRate} = (1 + \frac{rate}{10^{18}})^{365*24*60*60} - 1\)

The code examples below are based on the 0x8c...c933 MonetaryPolicy.

>>> import ape

>>> MonetaryPolicy = ape.Contract("0x8c5a7f011f733fbb0a6c969c058716d5ce9bc933")


MonetaryPolicy.rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the rate of the monetary policy contract. This is the current interest rate paid per second.

Returns: rate (uint256).

Source code
def rate() -> uint256:
    return self.calculate_rate()

def calculate_rate() -> uint256:
    sigma: int256 = self.sigma
    target_debt_fraction: uint256 = self.target_debt_fraction

    p: int256 = convert(PRICE_ORACLE.price(), int256)
    pk_debt: uint256 = 0
    for pk in self.peg_keepers:
        if pk.address == empty(address):
        pk_debt += pk.debt()

    power: int256 = (10**18 - p) * 10**18 / sigma  # high price -> negative pow -> low rate
    if pk_debt > 0:
        total_debt: uint256 = CONTROLLER_FACTORY.total_debt()
        if total_debt == 0:
            return 0
            power -= convert(pk_debt * 10**18 / total_debt * 10**18 / target_debt_fraction, int256)

    return self.rate0 * min(self.exp(power), MAX_EXP) / 10**18
>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate()


MonetaryPolicy.rate0() -> uint256: view

Getter for the rate0 of the monetary policy contract. rate0 has to be less than or equal to MAX_RATE (400% APY).

Returns: rate0 (uint256).

Source code
MAX_RATE: constant(uint256) = 43959106799  # 400% APY
rate0: public(uint256)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    assert rate <= MAX_RATE
    self.rate0 = rate

>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate0()


MonetaryPolicy.set_rate(rate: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new rate0. New rate0 has to be less than or equal to MAX_RATE (=43959106799).

Emits: SetRate

Input Type Description
rate uint256 New rate0 value
Source code
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256

MAX_RATE: constant(uint256) = 43959106799  # 400% APY
rate0: public(uint256)

def set_rate(rate: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert rate <= MAX_RATE
    self.rate0 = rate
    log SetRate(rate)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_rate(3488077118)


MonetaryPolicy.sigma() -> uint256: view

Getter for the sigma value. The following needs to hold: \(10^{14} <= sigma <= 10^{18}\).

Returns: sigma (uint256).

Source code
sigma: public(int256)  # 2 * 10**16 for example

MAX_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**18
MIN_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**14

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    assert sigma >= MIN_SIGMA
    assert sigma <= MAX_SIGMA

>>> MonetaryPolicy.sigma()


MonetaryPolicy.set_sigma(sigma: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new sigma value. New value must be inbetween MIN_SIGMA and MAX_SIGMA.

Emits: SetSigma

Input Type Description
sigma uint256 New sigma value
Source code
event SetSigma:
    sigma: uint256

sigma: public(int256)  # 2 * 10**16 for example

MAX_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**18
MIN_SIGMA: constant(uint256) = 10**14

def set_sigma(sigma: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert sigma >= MIN_SIGMA
    assert sigma <= MAX_SIGMA

    self.sigma = convert(sigma, int256)
    log SetSigma(sigma)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_sigma(30000000000000000)


MonetaryPolicy.target_debt_fraction() -> uint256: view

Getter for the debt fraction target.

Returns: target debt fraction (uint256).

Source code
MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION: constant(uint256) = 10**18

target_debt_fraction: public(uint256)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    self.target_debt_fraction = target_debt_fraction
>>> MonetaryPolicy.target_debt_fraction()
100000000000000000              # 10%


MonetaryPolicy.set_target_debt_fraction(target_debt_fraction: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new value for the debt fraction target. New value needs to be less than or equal to MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION.

Emits: SetTargetDebtFraction

Input Type Description
target_debt_fraction uint256 New debt fraction target value
Source code
event SetTargetDebtFraction:
    target_debt_fraction: uint256

MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION: constant(uint256) = 10**18

target_debt_fraction: public(uint256)

def set_target_debt_fraction(target_debt_fraction: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert target_debt_fraction <= MAX_TARGET_DEBT_FRACTION

    self.target_debt_fraction = target_debt_fraction
    log SetTargetDebtFraction(target_debt_fraction)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_target_debt_fraction(200000000000000000)


PegKeepers must be added to the MonetaryPolicy contract to calculate the rate as it depends on the DebtFraction. They can be added by calling add_peg_keeper and removed via remove_peg_keeper.


MonetaryPolicy.peg_keepers(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the PegKeeper contract at index arg0.

Returns: PegKeeper contracts (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the PegKeeper
Source code
interface PegKeeper:
    def debt() -> uint256: view

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    for i in range(5):
        if peg_keepers[i].address == empty(address):
        self.peg_keepers[i] = peg_keepers[i]

>>> MonetaryPolicy.peg_keepers(0)


MonetaryPolicy.add_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add an existing PegKeeper to the monetary policy contract.

Emits: AddPegKeeper

Input Type Description
pk PegKeeper PegKeeper address to add
Source code
event AddPegKeeper:
    peg_keeper: indexed(address)

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def add_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert pk.address != empty(address)
    for i in range(1000):
        _pk: PegKeeper = self.peg_keepers[i]
        assert _pk != pk, "Already added"
        if _pk.address == empty(address):
            self.peg_keepers[i] = pk
            log AddPegKeeper(pk.address)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.add_peg_keeper("PegKeeper address")


MonetaryPolicy.remove_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to remove an existing PegKeeper from the monetary policy contract.

Emits: RemovePegKeeper

Input Type Description
pk PegKeeper PegKeeper address to remove
Source code
event RemovePegKeeper:
    peg_keeper: indexed(address)

peg_keepers: public(PegKeeper[1001])

def remove_peg_keeper(pk: PegKeeper):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    replaced_peg_keeper: uint256 = 10000
    for i in range(1001):  # 1001th element is always 0x0
        _pk: PegKeeper = self.peg_keepers[i]
        if _pk == pk:
            replaced_peg_keeper = i
            log RemovePegKeeper(pk.address)
        if _pk.address == empty(address):
            if replaced_peg_keeper < i:
                if replaced_peg_keeper < i - 1:
                    self.peg_keepers[replaced_peg_keeper] = self.peg_keepers[i - 1]
                self.peg_keepers[i - 1] = PegKeeper(empty(address))
>>> MonetaryPolicy.remove_peg_keeper("PegKeeper address"):

Admin Ownership


MonetaryPolicy.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):
    self.admin = admin

>>> MonetaryPolicy.admin()


MonetaryPolicy.set_admin(admin: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the CurveOwnershipAgent.

Function to set a new admin.

Emits: SetAdmin

Input Type Description
admin address New admin address
Source code
event SetAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)

def set_admin(admin: address):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin = admin
    log SetAdmin(admin)
>>> MonetaryPolicy.set_admin("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045")

Contract Info Methods


MonetaryPolicy.PRICE_ORACLE() -> address: view

Getter for the price oracle contract.

Returns: price oracle contract (address).

Source code
PRICE_ORACLE: public(immutable(PriceOracle))

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    PRICE_ORACLE = price_oracle

>>> MonetaryPolicy.PRICE_ORACLE()


MonetaryPolicy.CONTROLLER_FACOTRY() -> address: view

Getter for the controller factory contract. immutable variable!

Returns: controller factory contract (address).

Source code
CONTROLLER_FACTORY: public(immutable(ControllerFactory))

def __init__(admin: address,
            price_oracle: PriceOracle,
            controller_factory: ControllerFactory,
            peg_keepers: PegKeeper[5],
            rate: uint256,
            sigma: uint256,
            target_debt_fraction: uint256):

    CONTROLLER_FACTORY = controller_factory

>>> MonetaryPolicy.CONTROLLER_FACOTRY()


MonetaryPolicy.rate_write() -> uint256:

When adding a new market via the factory contract, rate_write is called to check if the MonetaryPolicy contract has the correct ABI.

Source code
def rate_write() -> uint256:
    # Not needed here but useful for more automated policies
    # which change rate0 - for example rate0 targeting some fraction pl_debt/total_debt
    return self.calculate_rate()

def calculate_rate() -> uint256:
    sigma: int256 = self.sigma
    target_debt_fraction: uint256 = self.target_debt_fraction

    p: int256 = convert(PRICE_ORACLE.price(), int256)
    pk_debt: uint256 = 0
    for pk in self.peg_keepers:
        if pk.address == empty(address):
        pk_debt += pk.debt()

    power: int256 = (10**18 - p) * 10**18 / sigma  # high price -> negative pow -> low rate
    if pk_debt > 0:
        total_debt: uint256 = CONTROLLER_FACTORY.total_debt()
        if total_debt == 0:
            return 0
            power -= convert(pk_debt * 10**18 / total_debt * 10**18 / target_debt_fraction, int256)

    return self.rate0 * min(self.exp(power), MAX_EXP) / 10**18
>>> MonetaryPolicy.rate_write()