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Curve DAO Token

Curve DAO Token (CRV) is based on the ERC-20 token standard as defined at EIP-20.

Contract Source & Deployment

Curve DAO Token contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52.
Source code available on Github.
Deployment hash: 0x5dc4a688b63cea09bf4d73a695175b77572792a2e2b3656297809ad3596d4bfe

For a broader understanding of the use case of the CRV token, check out Understanding CRV.

Contract Info Methods


CRV.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.admin = msg.sender

>>> CRV.admin()

name -> String[64]

Getter for the name of the token. Name of the token can be changed by calling the set_name function.

Returns: token name (String[64]).

Source code
name: public(String[64])

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token
    init_supply: uint256 = INITIAL_SUPPLY * 10 ** _decimals = _name

'Curve DAO Token'


CRV.symbol() -> String[32]

Getter of the token symbol. Symbol of the token can be changed by calling the set_name function.

Returns: token symbol (String[32]).

Source code
symbol: public(String[32])

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.symbol = _symbol

>>> CRV.symbol()


CRV.avaliably_supply() -> uint256

Getter for the current number of CRV tokens - claimed of unclaimed - in existence.

Returns: currently existing tokens (uint256).

Source code
def _available_supply() -> uint256:
    return self.start_epoch_supply + (block.timestamp - self.start_epoch_time) * self.rate

def available_supply() -> uint256:
    @notice Current number of tokens in existence (claimed or unclaimed)
    return self._available_supply()
>>> CRV.avaliable_supply()


CRV.totalSupply() -> uint256

Getter for the total number of tokens in existence.

Returns: total supply (uint256).

Source code
def totalSupply() -> uint256:
    @notice Total number of tokens in existence.
    return self.total_supply
>>> CRV.totalSupply()


CRV.decimals() -> uint256: view

Getter of the decimals of the token.

Returns: decimals (uint256).

Source code
decimals: public(uint256)

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.decimals = _decimals

>>> CRV.decimals()


CRV.balanceOf(arg0: address) -> address: view

Getter for the crv token balance of a specific address.

Returns: balance (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address wallet to check CRV balance for
Source code
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
>>> CRV.balanceOf('0xd061D61a4d941c39E5453435B6345Dc261C2fcE0')

Transfer Methods


CRV.transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to transfer _value tokens from msg.sender to _to. Transfers to ZERO_ADDRESS are not allowed.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_to address receiver address
_value uint256 amount of tokens to send


Vyper does not allow underflows, so the subtraction in this function will revert on an insufficient balance.

Source code
event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def transfer(_to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Transfer `_value` tokens from `msg.sender` to `_to`
    @dev Vyper does not allow underflows, so the subtraction in
        this function will revert on an insufficient balance
    @param _to The address to transfer to
    @param _value The amount to be transferred
    @return bool success
    assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: transfers to 0x0 are not allowed
    self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value
    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    log Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
    return True
>>> CRV.transfer('0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428', 1)


CRV.transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to transfer _value tokens from _from_ to _to. Transfers to ZERO_ADDRESS are not allowed.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_from address address to send tokens from
_to address receiver address
_value uint256 amount of tokens to send


Vyper does not allow underflows, so the subtraction in this function will revert on an insufficient balance.

Source code
event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def transferFrom(_from : address, _to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Transfer `_value` tokens from `_from` to `_to`
    @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
    @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to
    @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
    @return bool success
    assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: transfers to 0x0 are not allowed
    # NOTE: vyper does not allow underflows
    #       so the following subtraction would revert on insufficient balance
    self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    self.allowances[_from][msg.sender] -= _value
    log Transfer(_from, _to, _value)
    return True
>>> CRV.transferFrom('0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428', '0x68BEDE1d0bc6BE6d215f8f8Ee4ee8F9faB97fE7a', 1)



CRV.allowance(_owner: address, _spender: address) -> uint256

Getter method to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.

Returns: amount of tokens (uint256) _owner is allowed to _spender.

Input Type Description
_owner address owner address
_spender address spender address
Source code
allowances: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def allowance(_owner : address, _spender : address) -> uint256:
    @notice Check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender
    @param _owner The address which owns the funds
    @param _spender The address which will spend the funds
    @return uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender
    return self.allowances[_owner][_spender]
>>> CRV.allowance(0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428 ,0x68BEDE1d0bc6BE6d215f8f8Ee4ee8F9faB97fE7a)


CRV.approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to approve _spender to transfer _value tokens on behalf of msg.sender.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Approval

Input Type Description
_spender address spender address
_value uint256 amount to approce
Source code
event Approval:
    _owner: indexed(address)
    _spender: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

allowances: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def approve(_spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Approve `_spender` to transfer `_value` tokens on behalf of `msg.sender`
    @dev Approval may only be from zero -> nonzero or from nonzero -> zero in order
        to mitigate the potential race condition described here:
    @param _spender The address which will spend the funds
    @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent
    @return bool success
    assert _value == 0 or self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] == 0
    self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] = _value
    log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value)
    return True
>>> CRV.approve(todo)

Minting and Burning


CRV.minter() -> address: view

Getter for the minter contract address. The minter address can only be set once (at deployment) and not altered after.

Returns: minter contract (address).

Source code
minter: public(address)
>>> CRV.minter()

mint address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to mint _value (uint256) and assign them to _to (address).

Returns: True (bool)

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_to address receiver of the minted tokens
_value uint256 amount to mint
Source code
event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Mint `_value` tokens and assign them to `_to`
    @dev Emits a Transfer event originating from 0x00
    @param _to The account that will receive the created tokens
    @param _value The amount that will be created
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender == self.minter  # dev: minter only
    assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS  # dev: zero address

    if block.timestamp >= self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:

    _total_supply: uint256 = self.total_supply + _value
    assert _total_supply <= self._available_supply()  # dev: exceeds allowable mint amount
    self.total_supply = _total_supply

    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    log Transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, _to, _value)

    return True
>>>"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 1000000000000000000)


CRV.burn(_value: uint256) -> bool

Function to burn _value tokens belonging to the caller of the function.

Retruns: True (bool).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_value uint256 amount to burn
Source code
event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

def burn(_value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Burn `_value` tokens belonging to `msg.sender`
    @dev Emits a Transfer event with a destination of 0x00
    @param _value The amount that will be burned
    @return bool success
    self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value
    self.total_supply -= _value

    log Transfer(msg.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, _value)
    return True
>>> CRV.burn(1000000000000000000)


CRV.mintable_in_timeframe(start: uint256, end: uint256) -> uint256

Getter for mintable supply from start timestamp till end timestamp.

Returns: amount of mintable tokens (uint256).

Input Type Description
start uint256 start timestamp
end uint256 end timestamp
Source code
def mintable_in_timeframe(start: uint256, end: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice How much supply is mintable from start timestamp till end timestamp
    @param start Start of the time interval (timestamp)
    @param end End of the time interval (timestamp)
    @return Tokens mintable from `start` till `end`
    assert start <= end  # dev: start > end
    to_mint: uint256 = 0
    current_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time
    current_rate: uint256 = self.rate

    # Special case if end is in future (not yet minted) epoch
    if end > current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:
        current_epoch_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
        current_rate = current_rate * RATE_DENOMINATOR / RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT

    assert end <= current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME  # dev: too far in future

    for i in range(999):  # Curve will not work in 1000 years. Darn!
        if end >= current_epoch_time:
            current_end: uint256 = end
            if current_end > current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:
                current_end = current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME

            current_start: uint256 = start
            if current_start >= current_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:
                break  # We should never get here but what if...
            elif current_start < current_epoch_time:
                current_start = current_epoch_time

            to_mint += current_rate * (current_end - current_start)

            if start >= current_epoch_time:

        current_epoch_time -= RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
        current_rate = current_rate * RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT / RATE_DENOMINATOR  # double-division with rounding made rate a bit less => good
        assert current_rate <= INITIAL_RATE  # This should never happen

    return to_mint
>>> CRV.mintable_in_timeframe(1682892000, 1683496800)

CRV Emissions


If the formulas below do not render, please make sure to refresh the site. A solution is being worked on.

Mining parameters are used to determine the token emissions. The emissions are based on epochs (one year). With every passing epoch, the rate will be reduced, thereby reducing the entire CRV emissions.

The rate can be reduced by invoking the update_mining_parameters() function. While this function is accessible to anyone, an attempt to call it will be reverted if a year hasn't elapsed since the last update. When the function is successfully executed, the mining_epoch increments by 1, and the start_epoch_time is updated to the timestamp of that function call. Moreover, the update_mining_parameters() function will be automatically triggered if someone tries to mint CRV before the scheduled rate reduction.

\[rate_{future} = rate_{current} * \frac{\text{RATE_DENOMINATOR}}{\text{RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT}}\]


\(\text{RATE_DENOMINATOR} = 10^{18}\) \(\text{RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT} = 2^{\frac{1}{4}} * 10^{18}\)

Effectively, every rate reduction decreases the CRV inflation by around 15.9%.


CRV.mining_epoch() -> int128: view

Getter for the current mining epoch. The mining epoch is incremented by 1 every time update_mining_parameters() is successfully called. At deployment, mining_epoch was set to -1.

Returns: mining epoch (int128).

Source code
mining_epoch: public(int128)

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.mining_epoch = -1


def _update_mining_parameters():
    @dev Update mining rate and supply at the start of the epoch
        Any modifying mining call must also call this
    _rate: uint256 = self.rate
    _start_epoch_supply: uint256 = self.start_epoch_supply

    self.start_epoch_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
    self.mining_epoch += 1

    if _rate == 0:
        _rate = INITIAL_RATE
        _start_epoch_supply += _rate * RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
        self.start_epoch_supply = _start_epoch_supply

    self.rate = _rate

    log UpdateMiningParameters(block.timestamp, _rate, _start_epoch_supply)
>>> CRV.mining_epoch()


CRV.start_epoch_time() -> uint256: view

Getter for the start times of the current mining epoch.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
start_epoch_time: public(uint256)

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.start_epoch_time = block.timestamp + INFLATION_DELAY - RATE_REDUCTION_TIME

>>> CRV.start_epoch_time()
1660429048 -> 'Sat Aug 13 2022 22:17:28 GMT+0000'


CRV.rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current rate of CRV emissions.

Returns: current rate (uint256).


rate is denominated in emissions per second. Emissions per day: 6.161965695807970181 * 86400 = 532393.8361178086

Source code
rate: public(uint256)

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _name Token full name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _decimals Number of decimals for token

    self.rate = 0

>>> CRV.rate()



Function to update the mining parameters for the Curve DAO Token ($CRV).

Emits: UpdateMiningParameters


This function can be called by anyone. However, the call will revert if block.timestamp is less than or equal to start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME, indicating that one year has not yet passed.

Source code
event UpdateMiningParameters:
    time: uint256
    rate: uint256
    supply: uint256

# Supply parameters
INITIAL_SUPPLY: constant(uint256) = 1_303_030_303
INITIAL_RATE: constant(uint256) = 274_815_283 * 10 ** 18 / YEAR  # leading to 43% premine
RATE_REDUCTION_TIME: constant(uint256) = YEAR
RATE_REDUCTION_COEFFICIENT: constant(uint256) = 1189207115002721024  # 2 ** (1/4) * 1e18
RATE_DENOMINATOR: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 18
INFLATION_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 86400

# Supply variables
mining_epoch: public(int128)
start_epoch_time: public(uint256)
rate: public(uint256)

start_epoch_supply: uint256

def update_mining_parameters():
    @notice Update mining rate and supply at the start of the epoch
    @dev Callable by any address, but only once per epoch
        Total supply becomes slightly larger if this function is called late
    assert block.timestamp >= self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME  # dev: too soon!

def _update_mining_parameters():
    @dev Update mining rate and supply at the start of the epoch
        Any modifying mining call must also call this
    _rate: uint256 = self.rate
    _start_epoch_supply: uint256 = self.start_epoch_supply

    self.start_epoch_time += RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
    self.mining_epoch += 1

    if _rate == 0:
        _rate = INITIAL_RATE
        _start_epoch_supply += _rate * RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
        self.start_epoch_supply = _start_epoch_supply

    self.rate = _rate

    log UpdateMiningParameters(block.timestamp, _rate, _start_epoch_supply)
>>> CRV.update_mining_parameters()


CRV.start_epoch_time_write() -> uint256

Function to get the current mining epoch start while simultaneously updating mining parameters (if possible).

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
start_epoch_time: public(uint256)

def start_epoch_time_write() -> uint256:
    @notice Get timestamp of the current mining epoch start
            while simultaneously updating mining parameters
    @return Timestamp of the epoch
    _start_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time
    if block.timestamp >= _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:
        return self.start_epoch_time
        return _start_epoch_time
>>> CRV.start_epoch_time_write()


CRV.future_epoch_time_write() -> uint256

Function to get the next mining epoch start while simultaneously updating mining parameters (if possible).

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
def future_epoch_time_write() -> uint256:
    @notice Get timestamp of the next mining epoch start
            while simultaneously updating mining parameters
    @return Timestamp of the next epoch
    _start_epoch_time: uint256 = self.start_epoch_time
    if block.timestamp >= _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME:
        return self.start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
        return _start_epoch_time + RATE_REDUCTION_TIME
>>> CRV.future_epoch_time_write()