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LiquidityGaugeV3 retains a majority of LiquidityGaugeV2’s functionality such as tokenized deposits, and flexible onward staking with up to 8 reward tokens with some modifications.

Outline of modified functionality:

  1. Ability to redirect claimed rewards to an alternative account.
  2. Opt-in claiming of rewards on interactions with the gauge, instead of auto-claiming.
  3. Retrieving rewards from the reward contract happens at a minimum of once an hour, for reduced gas costs.
  4. Expose the amount of claimed and claimable rewards for users.
  5. Removal of claim_historic_rewards function.
  6. Modify claimable_reward to be a slightly less accurate view function.
  7. Reward tokens can no longer be removed once set, adding more tokens requires providing the array of reward_tokens with any new tokens appended.
  8. deposit(_value, _to) and withdraw(_value, _to) functions have an additional optional argument _claim_rewards, which when set to True will claim any pending rewards.

As this gauge maintains a similar API to LiquidityGaugeV2, the documentation only covers functions that were added or modified since the previous version.

Source Code

Source code of the LiquidityGaugeV3 can be found on Github. The following view methods and functions are using the alUSD/3crv gauge as an example.

Querying Reward Information


LiquidityGaugeV3.rewards_receiver() -> address: view

Getter for the reward receiver of address arg0.

Returns: reward receiver (address).

Source code
rewards_receiver: public(HashMap[address, address])
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.rewards_receiver('todo'):


LiquidityGaugeV3.set_rewards_receiver(_receiver: address):

Function to set the rewards receiver for any rewards claimed via claim_rewards.

Input Type Description
_receiver address Reward Receiver Address
Source code
rewards_receiver: public(HashMap[address, address])

def set_rewards_receiver(_receiver: address):
    @notice Set the default reward receiver for the caller.
    @dev When set to ZERO_ADDRESS, rewards are sent to the caller
    @param _receiver Receiver address for any rewards claimed via `claim_rewards`
    self.rewards_receiver[msg.sender] = _receiver
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.set_rewards_receiver('todo'):


LiquidityGaugeV3.last_claim() -> uint256:

Getter for the timestamp of the last claim from reward_contract.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
def last_claim() -> uint256:
    @notice Epoch timestamp of the last call to claim from `reward_contract`
    @dev Rewards are claimed at most once per hour in order to reduce gas costs
    return shift(self.reward_data, -160)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.last_claim():

Checking and Claiming Rewards

Unlike LiquidityGaugeV2, rewards are not automatically claimed each time a user performs an action on the gauge.


LiquidityGaugeV3.claim_rewards(_addr: address = msg.sender, _receiver: address = ZERO_ADDRESS):

Function to claim all available reward tokens for _addr.

Input Type Description
_addr address Address to claim rewards for
_receiver address Receiver of the rewards. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
def claim_rewards(_addr: address = msg.sender, _receiver: address = ZERO_ADDRESS):
    @notice Claim available reward tokens for `_addr`
    @param _addr Address to claim for
    @param _receiver Address to transfer rewards to - if set to
                    ZERO_ADDRESS, uses the default reward receiver
                    for the caller
    if _receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        assert _addr == msg.sender  # dev: cannot redirect when claiming for another user
    self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, self.totalSupply, True, _receiver)

def _checkpoint_rewards( _user: address, _total_supply: uint256, _claim: bool, _receiver: address):
    @notice Claim pending rewards and checkpoint rewards for a user
    # load reward tokens and integrals into memory
    reward_tokens: address[MAX_REWARDS] = empty(address[MAX_REWARDS])
    reward_integrals: uint256[MAX_REWARDS] = empty(uint256[MAX_REWARDS])
    for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
        token: address = self.reward_tokens[i]
        if token == ZERO_ADDRESS:
        reward_tokens[i] = token
        reward_integrals[i] = self.reward_integral[token]

    reward_data: uint256 = self.reward_data
    if _total_supply != 0 and reward_data != 0 and block.timestamp > shift(reward_data, -160) + CLAIM_FREQUENCY:
        # track balances prior to claiming
        reward_balances: uint256[MAX_REWARDS] = empty(uint256[MAX_REWARDS])
        for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
            token: address = self.reward_tokens[i]
            if token == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            reward_balances[i] = ERC20(token).balanceOf(self)

        # claim from reward contract
        reward_contract: address = convert(reward_data % 2**160, address)
        raw_call(reward_contract, slice(self.reward_sigs, 8, 4))  # dev: bad claim sig
        self.reward_data = convert(reward_contract, uint256) + shift(block.timestamp, 160)

        # get balances after claim and calculate new reward integrals
        for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
            token: address = reward_tokens[i]
            if token == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            dI: uint256 = 10**18 * (ERC20(token).balanceOf(self) - reward_balances[i]) / _total_supply
            if dI > 0:
                reward_integrals[i] += dI
                self.reward_integral[token] = reward_integrals[i]

    if _user != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        user_balance: uint256 = self.balanceOf[_user]
        receiver: address = _receiver
        if _claim and _receiver == ZERO_ADDRESS:
            # if receiver is not explicitly declared, check if a default receiver is set
            receiver = self.rewards_receiver[_user]
            if receiver == ZERO_ADDRESS:
                # if no default receiver is set, direct claims to the user
                receiver = _user

        # calculate new user reward integral and transfer any owed rewards
        for i in range(MAX_REWARDS):
            token: address = reward_tokens[i]
            if token == ZERO_ADDRESS:

            integral: uint256 = reward_integrals[i]
            integral_for: uint256 = self.reward_integral_for[token][_user]
            if integral_for < integral or _total_supply == 0:
                self.reward_integral_for[token][_user] = integral
                claim_data: uint256 = self.claim_data[_user][token]

                new_claimable: uint256 = user_balance * (integral - integral_for) / 10**18

                total_claimed: uint256 = claim_data % 2**128
                total_claimable: uint256 = shift(claim_data, -128) + new_claimable

                if _claim and total_claimable > 0:
                    response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
                            convert(receiver, bytes32),
                            convert(total_claimable, bytes32),
                    if len(response) != 0:
                        assert convert(response, bool)
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + total_claimable
                elif new_claimable > 0:
                    self.claim_data[_user][token] = total_claimed + shift(total_claimable, 128)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.claim_rewards('todo'):


LiquidityGaugeV3.claimed_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the amount of already-claimed reward tokens _token for _addr.

Returns: claimable reward token amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
_addr address User Address
_token address Reward Token Address
Source code
# user -> [uint128 claimable amount][uint128 claimed amount]
claim_data: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def claimed_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the number of already-claimed reward tokens for a user
    @param _addr Account to get reward amount for
    @param _token Token to get reward amount for
    @return uint256 Total amount of `_token` already claimed by `_addr`
    return self.claim_data[_addr][_token] % 2**128
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.claimed_reward('todo'):


LiquidityGaugeV3.claimable_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:

Getter for the number of claimable reward tokens for a user. This getter does not include pending claimable amounts in reward_contract.

Returns: claimable reward token amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
_addr address Address to claim rewards for
_token address Receiver of the rewards. Defaults to msg.sender.
Source code
# user -> [uint128 claimable amount][uint128 claimed amount]
claim_data: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def claimable_reward(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the number of claimable reward tokens for a user
    @dev This call does not consider pending claimable amount in `reward_contract`.
        Off-chain callers should instead use `claimable_rewards_write` as a
        view method.
    @param _addr Account to get reward amount for
    @param _token Token to get reward amount for
    @return uint256 Claimable reward token amount
    return shift(self.claim_data[_addr][_token], -128)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.claimable_rewards('todo'):


LiquidityGaugeV3.claimable_reward_write(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:

Get the number of claimable reward tokens for a user. This function should be manually changed to “view” in the ABI. Calling it via a transaction will checkpoint a user’s rewards updating the value of claimable_reward. This function does not claim/distribute pending rewards for a user.

Returns: claimable reward token (uint256).

Source code
# user -> [uint128 claimable amount][uint128 claimed amount]
claim_data: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]

def claimable_reward_write(_addr: address, _token: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the number of claimable reward tokens for a user
    @dev This function should be manually changed to "view" in the ABI
        Calling it via a transaction will claim available reward tokens
    @param _addr Account to get reward amount for
    @param _token Token to get reward amount for
    @return uint256 Claimable reward token amount
    if self.reward_tokens[0] != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        self._checkpoint_rewards(_addr, self.totalSupply, False, ZERO_ADDRESS)
    return shift(self.claim_data[_addr][_token], -128)
>>> LiquidityGaugeV3.claimable_reward_write('todo'):