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crvUSD Token

Contract Source & Deployment

The crvUSD contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E. Addresses of crvUSD on sidechains can be found here. Source code for this contract is available on GitHub.


Due to some testing in production, there have been several deployments for the stablecoin and its components. Please always make sure you are using the latest deployment. See here.

Mint and Burn

  • crvUSD can only be minted by the minter of the contract, which is the Factory contract
  • crvUSD is minted in accordance with the debt_ceiling, either when adding a new market or when raising its debt ceiling. This is accomplished by calling the set_new_debt_ceiling function within the Factory contract.
  • Burning crvUSD typically occurs when a lower debt ceiling is set, or if a user decides to burn their crvUSD for whatever reason.


crvUSD.minter() -> address: view

Getter for the minter contract.

Returns: minter (address).

Source code
minter: public(address)
>>> crvUSD.minter()

mint address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the minter of the contract, which is the Factory.

Function to mint _value amount of tokens to _to.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_to address Address newly minted tokens are credited to
_value uint256 Amount of tokens to mint
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Mint `_value` amount of tokens to `_to`.
    @dev Only callable by an account with minter privileges.
    @param _to The account newly minted tokens are credited to.
    @param _value The amount of tokens to mint.
    assert msg.sender == self.minter
    assert _to not in [self, empty(address)]

    self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
    self.totalSupply += _value

    log Transfer(empty(address), _to, _value)
    return True
>>>"0xec0820efafc41d8943ee8de495fc9ba8495b15cf", 10**22)


The mint function is only used when adding a new market or raising a market's debt ceiling. The function will revert if any EOA (Externally Owned Account) or contract other than the admin attempts to call it. Additionally, tokens cannot be minted to the minter itself or the ZERO_ADDRESS.


crvUSD.set_minter(_minter: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Factory.

Function to set the minter address of the token.

Emits: SetMinter

Input Type Description
_minter address New minter address
Source code
event SetMinter:
    minter: indexed(address)

minter: public(address)

def set_minter(_minter: address):
    assert msg.sender == self.minter

    self.minter = _minter
    log SetMinter(_minter)
>>> crvUSD.set_minter("")


The function will revert if any EOA (Externally Owned Account) or contract other than the admin attempts to call this function.


crvUSD.burn(_value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to burn _value amount of tokens from msg.sender.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_value uint256 Amount of tokens to burn
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

def burn(_value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Burn `_value` amount of tokens.
    @param _value The amount of tokens to burn.
    self._burn(msg.sender, _value)
    return True

def _burn(_from: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
    self.totalSupply -= _value

    log Transfer(_from, empty(address), _value)
>>> crvUSD.burn(10**18)


crvUSD.burnFrom(_from: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to burn _value amount of tokens from _from.

Returns: true (boolean).

Emits: Transfer

Input Type Description
_from address Address to burn tokens for
_value uint256 Amount of tokens to burn
Source code
event Transfer:
    sender: indexed(address)
    receiver: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

def burnFrom(_from: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Burn `_value` amount of tokens from `_from`.
    @dev The caller must have previously been given an allowance by `_from`.
    @param _from The account to burn the tokens from.
    @param _value The amount of tokens to burn.
    allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[_from][msg.sender]
    if allowance != max_value(uint256):
        self._approve(_from, msg.sender, allowance - _value)

    self._burn(_from, _value)
    return True

def _burn(_from: address, _value: uint256):
    self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
    self.totalSupply -= _value

    log Transfer(_from, empty(address), _value)
>>> crvUSD.burn("0xec0820efafc41d8943ee8de495fc9ba8495b15cf", "25000000000000000000000000")


The burnFrom function is called when the debt ceiling is reduced via set_debt_ceiling within the Factory.

Contract Info Methods


crvUSD.decimals() -> uint8: view

Getter for the decimals of the token.

Returns: decimals (uint8).

Source code
decimals: public(constant(uint8)) = 18
>>> crvUSD.decimals()


crvUSD.version() -> String[8]: view

Getter for the version of the contract.

Returns: version (String[8]).

Source code
version: public(constant(String[8])) = "v1.0.0"
>>> crvUSD.version()

name -> String[64]: view

Getter for the name of the token.

Returns: name (String[64]).

Source code
name: public(immutable(String[64]))

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32]):
    name = _name
    symbol = _symbol

    NAME_HASH = keccak256(_name)
    salt = block.prevhash

    self.minter = msg.sender
    log SetMinter(msg.sender)
'Curve.Fi USD Stablecoin'


crvUSD.symbol() -> String[32]: view

Getter for the symbol of the token.

Returns: symbol (String[32]).

Source code
symbol: public(immutable(String[32]))

def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32]):
    name = _name
    symbol = _symbol

    NAME_HASH = keccak256(_name)
    salt = block.prevhash

    self.minter = msg.sender
    log SetMinter(msg.sender)
>>> crvUSD.symbol()


crvUSD.balanceOf(arg0: address) -> uint256: view

Getter for the crvUSD balance of address arg0.

Returns: balance (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address to check balance for
Source code
balanceOf: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
>>> crvUSD.balanceOf("0x844Dc85EdD8492A56228D293cfEbb823EF3E10EC")


crvUSD.totalSupply() -> uint256: view

Getter for the total supply of crvUSD.

Returns: total supply (uint256).

Source code
totalSupply: public(uint256)
>>> crvUSD.totalSupply()

Allowances and Approvals


crvUSD.allowance(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> uint256

Getter method to check the allowance.

Returns: allowed tokens (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 address Address of the spender
arg1 address Address of the token owner
Source code
allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
>>> crvUSD.allowance("0x7a16fF8270133F063aAb6C9977183D9e72835428", "0x4dece678ceceb27446b35c672dc7d61f30bad69e")


crvUSD.approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:

Fucntion to allow _spender to transfer up to _value amount of tokens from the caller's amount.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Approval

Input Type Description
_spender address Address permitted to spend up to _value amount of caller's funds
_value address Amount of tokens _spender is allowed to spend
Source code
event Approval:
    owner: indexed(address)
    spender: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Allow `_spender` to transfer up to `_value` amount of tokens from the caller's account.
    @dev Non-zero to non-zero approvals are allowed, but should be used cautiously. The methods
        increaseAllowance + decreaseAllowance are available to prevent any front-running that
        may occur.
    @param _spender The account permitted to spend up to `_value` amount of caller's funds.
    @param _value The amount of tokens `_spender` is allowed to spend.
    self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, _value)
    return True

def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256):
    self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value

    log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
>>> crvUSD.approve("0x4dece678ceceb27446b35c672dc7d61f30bad69e", 10**22)


crvUSD.increaseAllowance(_spender: address, _add_value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to increase the allowance granted to _spender.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Approval

Input Type Description
_spender address Address to increase the allowance of
_add_value uint256 Amount to increase the allwance by


This function will never overflow, and instead will bind allowance to MAX_UINT256. This has the potential to grant infinite approval.

Source code
allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def increaseAllowance(_spender: address, _add_value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Increase the allowance granted to `_spender`.
    @dev This function will never overflow, and instead will bound
        allowance to MAX_UINT256. This has the potential to grant an
        infinite approval.
    @param _spender The account to increase the allowance of.
    @param _add_value The amount to increase the allowance by.
    cached_allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender]
    allowance: uint256 = unsafe_add(cached_allowance, _add_value)

    # check for an overflow
    if allowance < cached_allowance:
        allowance = max_value(uint256)

    if allowance != cached_allowance:
        self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)

    return True

def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256):
    self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value

    log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
>>> crvUSD.increaseAllowance("0x4dece678ceceb27446b35c672dc7d61f30bad69e", 2**256-1)


crvUSD.decreaseAllowance(_spender: address, _sub_value: uint256) -> bool:

Function to decrease the allowance granted to _spender.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Approval

Input Type Description
_spender address Address to decrease the allowance of
_sub_value uint256 Amount to decrease the allwance by


This function will never underflow, and instead will bound allowance to 0.

Source code
allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def decreaseAllowance(_spender: address, _sub_value: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Decrease the allowance granted to `_spender`.
    @dev This function will never underflow, and instead will bound
        allowance to 0.
    @param _spender The account to decrease the allowance of.
    @param _sub_value The amount to decrease the allowance by.
    cached_allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender]
    allowance: uint256 = unsafe_sub(cached_allowance, _sub_value)

    # check for an underflow
    if cached_allowance < allowance:
        allowance = 0

    if allowance != cached_allowance:
        self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)

    return True

def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256):
    self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value

    log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
>>> crvUSD.decreaseAllowance("0x4dece678ceceb27446b35c672dc7d61f30bad69e", 2**256-1)


crvUSD.permit(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256, _deadline: uint256, _v: uint8,, _r: bytes32, _s: bytes32) -> bool:

Function to permit _spender to spend up to _value amount of _owner's tokens via a signature.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: Approval

Input Type Description
_owner address Address which generated the signature and is granting an allowance
_spender uint256 Address which will be granted an allowance
_value uint256 Approved amount
_deadline uint256 Deadline by which the signature must be submitted
_v uint256 Last byte of the ECDSA signature
_r uint256 First 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature
_s uint256 Second 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature


In the event of a chain fork, replay attacks are prevented as domain separator is recalculated.
However, this is only if the resulting chains update their chainId.

Source code
event Approval:
    owner: indexed(address)
    spender: indexed(address)
    value: uint256

allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])

def permit(
    _owner: address,
    _spender: address,
    _value: uint256,
    _deadline: uint256,
    _v: uint8,
    _r: bytes32,
    _s: bytes32,
) -> bool:
    @notice Permit `_spender` to spend up to `_value` amount of `_owner`'s tokens via a signature.
    @dev In the event of a chain fork, replay attacks are prevented as domain separator is recalculated.
        However, this is only if the resulting chains update their chainId.
    @param _owner The account which generated the signature and is granting an allowance.
    @param _spender The account which will be granted an allowance.
    @param _value The approval amount.
    @param _deadline The deadline by which the signature must be submitted.
    @param _v The last byte of the ECDSA signature.
    @param _r The first 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature.
    @param _s The second 32 bytes of the ECDSA signature.
    assert _owner != empty(address) and block.timestamp <= _deadline

    nonce: uint256 = self.nonces[_owner]
    digest: bytes32 = keccak256(
            keccak256(_abi_encode(EIP2612_TYPEHASH, _owner, _spender, _value, nonce, _deadline)),

    if _owner.is_contract:
        sig: Bytes[65] = concat(_abi_encode(_r, _s), slice(convert(_v, bytes32), 31, 1))
        assert ERC1271(_owner).isValidSignature(digest, sig) == ERC1271_MAGIC_VAL
        assert ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s) == _owner

    self.nonces[_owner] = nonce + 1
    self._approve(_owner, _spender, _value)
    return True

def _approve(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256):
    self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value

    log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
>>> crvUSD.permit(todo)