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Deployer API

A new crvUSD market can be added by the CurveOwnershipAgent. Therefore, adding a new market requires a successfully passed DAO vote.


ControllerFactory.add_market(token: address, A: uint256, fee: uint256, admin_fee: uint256, _price_oracle_contract: address, monetary_policy: address, loan_discount: uint256, liquidation_discount: uint256, debt_ceiling: uint256) -> address[2]:

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new market and automatically deploy a new AMM and a Controller from the implementation contracts (see Implementations). Additionally, when initializing a new market, rate_write() from the MonetaryPolicy contract is called to check if it has a correct ABI.

Returns: AMM and Controller contracts (address).

Emits: AddNewMarket

Input Type Description
token address Collateral token address
A uint256 Amplification coefficient. One band size is 1/n
fee uint256 AMM fee in the market's AMM
admin_fee uint256 AMM admin fee
_price_oracle_contract address Address of the price oracle contract for the market
monetary_policy address Monetary policy for the market
loan_discount uint256 Loan Discount: allowed to borrow only up to x_down * (1 - loan_discount)
liquidation_discount uint256 Discount defining a bad liquidation threshold
debt_ceiling uint256 Debt ceiling for the market


There are some limitation values for adding new markets regarding fee, A and liquidation_discount.

Source code
# Limits
MIN_A: constant(uint256) = 2
MAX_A: constant(uint256) = 10000
MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**6  # 1e-12, still needs to be above 0
MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**17  # 10%
MAX_ADMIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**18  # 100%
MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**17
MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT: constant(uint256) = 10**16

def add_market(token: address, A: uint256, fee: uint256, admin_fee: uint256,
            _price_oracle_contract: address,
            monetary_policy: address, loan_discount: uint256, liquidation_discount: uint256,
            debt_ceiling: uint256) -> address[2]:
    @notice Add a new market, creating an AMM and a Controller from a blueprint
    @param token Collateral token address
    @param A Amplification coefficient; one band size is 1/A
    @param fee AMM fee in the market's AMM
    @param admin_fee AMM admin fee
    @param _price_oracle_contract Address of price oracle contract for this market
    @param monetary_policy Monetary policy for this market
    @param loan_discount Loan discount: allowed to borrow only up to x_down * (1 - loan_discount)
    @param liquidation_discount Discount which defines a bad liquidation threshold
    @param debt_ceiling Debt ceiling for this market
    @return (Controller, AMM)
    assert msg.sender == self.admin, "Only admin"
    assert A >= MIN_A and A <= MAX_A, "Wrong A"
    assert fee <= MAX_FEE, "Fee too high"
    assert fee >= MIN_FEE, "Fee too low"
    assert admin_fee < MAX_ADMIN_FEE, "Admin fee too high"
    assert liquidation_discount >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT, "Liquidation discount too low"
    assert loan_discount <= MAX_LOAN_DISCOUNT, "Loan discount too high"
    assert loan_discount > liquidation_discount, "need loan_discount>liquidation_discount"
    MonetaryPolicy(monetary_policy).rate_write()  # Test that MonetaryPolicy has correct ABI

    p: uint256 = PriceOracle(_price_oracle_contract).price()  # This also validates price oracle ABI
    assert p > 0
    assert PriceOracle(_price_oracle_contract).price_w() == p
    A_ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * A / (A - 1)

    amm: address = create_from_blueprint(
        STABLECOIN.address, 10**(18 - STABLECOIN.decimals()),
        token, 10**(18 - ERC20(token).decimals()),  # <- This validates ERC20 ABI
        A, isqrt(A_ratio * 10**18), self.ln_int(A_ratio),
        p, fee, admin_fee, _price_oracle_contract,
    controller: address = create_from_blueprint(
        token, monetary_policy, loan_discount, liquidation_discount, amm,
    self._set_debt_ceiling(controller, debt_ceiling, True)

    N: uint256 = self.n_collaterals
    self.collaterals[N] = token
    for i in range(1000):
        if self.collaterals_index[token][i] == 0:
            self.collaterals_index[token][i] = 2**128 + N
        assert i != 999, "Too many controllers for same collateral"
    self.controllers[N] = controller
    self.amms[N] = amm
    self.n_collaterals = N + 1

    log AddMarket(token, controller, amm, monetary_policy, N)
    return [controller, amm]
def calculate_rate() -> uint256:
    sigma: int256 = self.sigma
    target_debt_fraction: uint256 = self.target_debt_fraction

    p: int256 = convert(PRICE_ORACLE.price(), int256)
    pk_debt: uint256 = 0
    for pk in self.peg_keepers:
        if pk.address == empty(address):
        pk_debt += pk.debt()

    power: int256 = (10**18 - p) * 10**18 / sigma  # high price -> negative pow -> low rate
    if pk_debt > 0:
        total_debt: uint256 = CONTROLLER_FACTORY.total_debt()
        if total_debt == 0:
            return 0
            power -= convert(pk_debt * 10**18 / total_debt * 10**18 / target_debt_fraction, int256)

    return self.rate0 * min(self.exp(power), MAX_EXP) / 10**18

def rate_write() -> uint256:
    # Not needed here but useful for more automated policies
    # which change rate0 - for example rate0 targeting some fraction pl_debt/total_debt
    return self.calculate_rate()
def price() -> uint256:
    n: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs
    prices: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    D: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    Dsum: uint256 = 0
    DPsum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        price_pair: PricePair = self.price_pairs[i]
        pool_supply: uint256 = price_pair.pool.totalSupply()
        if pool_supply >= MIN_LIQUIDITY:
            p: uint256 = price_pair.pool.price_oracle()
            if price_pair.is_inverse:
                p = 10**36 / p
            prices[i] = p
            _D: uint256 = price_pair.pool.get_virtual_price() * pool_supply / 10**18
            D[i] = _D
            Dsum += _D
            DPsum += _D * p
    if Dsum == 0:
        return 10**18  # Placeholder for no active pools
    p_avg: uint256 = DPsum / Dsum
    e: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    e_min: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        p: uint256 = prices[i]
        e[i] = (max(p, p_avg) - min(p, p_avg))**2 / (SIGMA**2 / 10**18)
        e_min = min(e[i], e_min)
    wp_sum: uint256 = 0
    w_sum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        w: uint256 = D[i] * self.exp(-convert(e[i] - e_min, int256)) / 10**18
        w_sum += w
        wp_sum += w * prices[i]
    return wp_sum / w_sum
def set_admin(_admin: address):
    @notice Set admin of the AMM. Typically it's a controller (unless it's tests)
    @param _admin Admin address
    assert self.admin == empty(address)
    self.admin = _admin
    self.approve_max(BORROWED_TOKEN, _admin)
    self.approve_max(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, _admin)
>>> ControllerFactory.add_market("0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393",
                                "price oracle contract", 
                                "monetary policy contract", 

"returns AMM and Controller contract"