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The source code of the CoWSwapBurner.vy contract can be found on GitHub.

The Hooker contract is a versatile and essential component within the Curve Finance ecosystem, designed to support and manage hooks that interact with the FeeCollector contract. This contract enables the execution of predefined actions (hooks) that can be triggered under specific conditions, such as during the fee collection process. It handles the calculation and distribution of compensations, ensuring that hooks are executed correctly and at the appropriate times.

The contract has the following key features:

  • Hook Management: Hooks can be added to the contract via the set_hooks function. These hooks define actions to be executed, including target addresses, method data, and compensation strategies.
  • Compensation Calculation: The contract includes a comprehensive system for calculating compensation for executing hooks, based on predefined strategies. This ensures that those who execute hooks are fairly rewarded.
  • Execution Control: The duty_act function ensures that mandatory hooks (duty hooks) are executed as part of the fee collection process, while the act function allows for general hook execution by anyone.
  • Cooldown Management: Compensation strategies include cooldown periods to prevent abuse and ensure fair distribution of rewards. The duty_counter helps manage these cooldown periods by tracking the epochs in which compensations are made.
  • Security and Access Control: Certain functions, like set_hooks and one_time_hooks, are restricted to the contract owner to maintain security and control over the contract's behavior.

Hooks need to be added to the contract via the set_hooks function. Once added, these hooks can be executed by anyone using the act function. Mandatory hooks, marked with the duty flag, are executed during the fee collection process using the duty_act function.

Compensation Strategy

Each hook includes a compensation_strategy that defines how and when the executor of the hook will be compensated. This ensures that there is an incentive to call hooks according to predefined rules.

The CompensationStrategy consists of the following values:

struct CompensationStrategy:
    amount: uint256  # In case of Dutch auction max amount
    cooldown: CompensationCooldown
    start: uint256
    end: uint256
    dutch: bool

struct CompensationCooldown:
    duty_counter: uint64  # last compensation epoch
    used: uint64
    limit: uint64  # Maximum number of compensations between duty acts (week)
  • amount: The maximum amount of compensation available for executing the hook.
  • CompensationCooldown: Contains details about the cooldown period between compensations, consisting of:
    • duty_counter: Keeps track of the last epoch in which a compensation was made.
    • used: Indicates the number of compensations made within the current cooldown period.
    • limit: Represents the maximum number of compensations allowed within the cooldown period.
  • start: Defines the starting time of the compensation period within a week.
  • end: Defines the ending time of the compensation period within a week.
  • dutch: A boolean indicating if the compensation uses a Dutch auction mechanism. If true, the compensation amount decreases linearly over time from the start to the end. This encourages earlier execution of the hook to receive a higher reward.


Before hooks can be executed, they need to be added via set_hooks. These hooks can then be externally executed by anyone.


Hooker.hooks(arg0: uint256) -> Hook: view

Getter for the hooks recorded in the contract.

Returns: Hook struct consisting of the target address (address), a byte array containing the method identifier and additional data (Bytes[1024]), compensation strategy (CompensationStrategy) and if the hook is a duty hook or not (bool).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the hook.
Source code
struct Hook:
    to: address
    foreplay: Bytes[1024]  # including method_id
    compensation_strategy: CompensationStrategy
    duty: bool  # Hooks mandatory to act after fee_collector transfer

hooks: public(DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN])
>>> Hooker.hooks(0)
'0xD16d5eC345Dd86Fb63C6a9C43c517210F1027914, 0x89afcb44000000000000000000000000f939e0a03fb07f59a73314e73794be0e57ac1b4e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true'


Hooker.set_hooks(_new_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN])

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set new hooks.

Input Type Description
_new_hooks DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of Hook structs.

Each Hook struct contains:

  • to: The target address for the hook action.
  • foreplay: A byte array containing the method identifier and additional data.
  • compensation: The strategy for compensating the hook executor.
  • duty: A flag bool if the hook is mandatory or not.
Source code
struct Hook:
    to: address
    foreplay: Bytes[1024]  # including method_id
    compensation_strategy: CompensationStrategy
    duty: bool  # Hooks mandatory to act after fee_collector transfer

def set_hooks(_new_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN]):
    @notice Set new hooks
    @dev Callable only by owner
    @param _new_hooks New list of hooks
    assert msg.sender == fee_collector.owner(), "Only owner"


def _set_hooks(new_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN]):
    self.hooks = new_hooks

    buffer_amount: uint256 = 0
    mask: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(len(new_hooks), bound=MAX_HOOKS_LEN):
        assert new_hooks[i].compensation_strategy.start < WEEK
        assert new_hooks[i].compensation_strategy.end < WEEK

        buffer_amount += new_hooks[i].compensation_strategy.amount *\
                            convert(new_hooks[i].compensation_strategy.cooldown.limit, uint256)
        if new_hooks[i].duty:
            mask |= 1 << i
    self.buffer_amount = buffer_amount
    self.duties_checklist = mask
>>> soon

Executing Hooks

There are two functions to execute hooks: duty_act and act.

The duty_act method is designed to be called by the FeeCollector contract during the FORWARD epoch. This function is called when coins are forwarded from the FeeCollector using the forward function.

The act function is a more general function to execute hooks and compensate the caller, callable by anyone.

Compensation for executing hooks

The compensation strategy in the Hooker contract determines how and when callers (keepers) are compensated for executing hooks. This strategy includes parameters for managing compensation amounts, cooldowns, and execution limits, ensuring fair and controlled distribution of rewards.

The compensation strategy is defined within the CompensationStrategy struct, which includes several fields:

struct CompensationStrategy:
    amount: uint256  # In case of Dutch auction max amount
    cooldown: CompensationCooldown
    start: uint256
    end: uint256
    dutch: bool
  • amount: The maximum compensation amount. For Dutch auction strategies, this represents the starting maximum amount.
  • cooldown: A nested struct (CompensationCooldown) that manages the cooldown period and usage limits for compensations.
  • start: The start time (within a week) for the compensation period.
  • end: The end time (within a week) for the compensation period.
  • dutch: A boolean indicating whether the compensation follows a Dutch auction strategy, where the compensation decreases over time.

The CompensationCooldown struct includes fields to manage the number of compensations within a duty cycle and track the duty counter:

struct CompensationCooldown:
    duty_counter: uint64  # last compensation epoch
    used: uint64
    limit: uint64  # Maximum number of compensations between duty acts (week)
  • duty_counter: Tracks the last duty cycle in which compensation was provided.
  • used: The number of compensations already provided in the current cycle.
  • limit: The maximum number of compensations allowed within a single duty cycle

To see the actual value of compensation, see calc_compensation.


Hooker.duty_act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address=msg.sender) -> uint256

Function which executes hooks as part of the fee collection process. It ensures all mandatory hooks, which are marked with the duty flag, are executed and handles the distribution of any associated compensation. The function checks that all mandatory duty hooks are included in the _hook_inputs.

Returns: received compensation (uint256).

Emits: DutyAct, HookShot and Act

Input Type Description
_hook_inputs DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of HookInput structs representing the hooks to be executed.
_receiver address Receiver of the compensation. Defaults to msg.sender.

Each HookInput struct contains:

  • hook_id: uint8 - The identifier for the hook to be executed.
  • value: uint256 - The amount of raw ETH to be sent with the hook execution.
  • data: Bytes[8192] - The data payload for the hook, including the method identifier and parameters.
Source code
event DutyAct:

event Act:
    receiver: indexed(address)
    compensation: uint256

event HookShot:
    hook_id: indexed(uint8)
    compensation: uint256

# Property: no future changes in FeeCollector
struct HookInput:
    hook_id: uint8
    value: uint256
    data: Bytes[8192]

hooks: public(DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN])
duties_checklist: uint256  # mask of hooks with `duty` flag
buffer_amount: public(uint256)

duty_counter: public(uint64)

def duty_act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address=msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Entry point to run hooks for FeeCollector
    @param _hook_inputs Inputs assembled by keepers
    @param _receiver Receiver of compensation (sender by default)
    @return Compensation received
    if msg.sender == fee_collector.address:
        self.duty_counter = convert((block.timestamp - START_TIME) / WEEK, uint64)  # assuming time frames are divided weekly

    hook_mask: uint256 = 0
    for solicitation in _hook_inputs:
        hook_mask |= 1 << solicitation.hook_id
    duties_checklist: uint256 = self.duties_checklist
    assert hook_mask & duties_checklist == duties_checklist, "Not all duties"

    log DutyAct()

    return self._act(_hook_inputs, _receiver)

def _act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address) -> uint256:
    current_duty_counter: uint64 = self.duty_counter

    compensation: uint256 = 0
    prev_idx: uint8 = 0
    for solicitation in _hook_inputs:
        hook: Hook = self.hooks[solicitation.hook_id]
        self._shot(hook, solicitation)

        if hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.duty_counter < current_duty_counter:
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.used = 0
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.duty_counter = current_duty_counter
        hook_compensation: uint256 = self._compensate(hook)

        if hook_compensation > 0:
            compensation += hook_compensation
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.used += 1
            self.hooks[solicitation.hook_id].compensation_strategy.cooldown = hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown

        if prev_idx > solicitation.hook_id:
            raise "Hooks not sorted"
        prev_idx = solicitation.hook_id
        log HookShot(prev_idx, hook_compensation)

    log Act(_receiver, compensation)

def _shot(hook: Hook, hook_input: HookInput):
    @notice Hook run implementation
>>> soon


Hooker.duty_counter() -> uint64: view

Getter for the duty counter value. This varaible is used to record the current week number and is used to manage and reset the cooldown periods for hook compensations, ensuring that hooks do not exceed their compensation limits within a given week.

Returns: duty counter (uint64).

Source code
duty_counter: public(uint64)
>>> Hooker.duty_counter()


Hooker.act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address=msg.sender) -> uint256

Function to execute hooks. Unlike, duty_act (which is specifically for the fee distribution process), this function allows the execuction of more general hooks.

Returns: received compensation (uint256).

Emits: HookShot and Act

Input Type Description
_hook_inputs DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of HookInput structs representing the hooks to be executed.
_receiver address Receiver of the compensation. Defaults to msg.sender.

Each HookInput struct contains:

  • hook_id: uint8 - The identifier for the hook to be executed.
  • value: uint256 - The amount of raw ETH to be sent with the hook execution.
  • data: Bytes[8192] - The data payload for the hook, including the method identifier and parameters.
Source code
event Act:
    receiver: indexed(address)
    compensation: uint256

event HookShot:
    hook_id: indexed(uint8)
    compensation: uint256

struct CompensationCooldown:
    duty_counter: uint64  # last compensation epoch
    used: uint64
    limit: uint64  # Maximum number of compensations between duty acts (week)

struct CompensationStrategy:
    amount: uint256  # In case of Dutch auction max amount
    cooldown: CompensationCooldown
    start: uint256
    end: uint256
    dutch: bool

def act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address=msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Entry point to run hooks and receive compensation
    @param _hook_inputs Inputs assembled by keepers
    @param _receiver Receiver of compensation (sender by default)
    @return Compensation received
    return self._act(_hook_inputs, _receiver)

def _act(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _receiver: address) -> uint256:
    current_duty_counter: uint64 = self.duty_counter

    compensation: uint256 = 0
    prev_idx: uint8 = 0
    for solicitation in _hook_inputs:
        hook: Hook = self.hooks[solicitation.hook_id]
        self._shot(hook, solicitation)

        if hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.duty_counter < current_duty_counter:
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.used = 0
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.duty_counter = current_duty_counter
        hook_compensation: uint256 = self._compensate(hook)

        if hook_compensation > 0:
            compensation += hook_compensation
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.used += 1
            self.hooks[solicitation.hook_id].compensation_strategy.cooldown = hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown

        if prev_idx > solicitation.hook_id:
            raise "Hooks not sorted"
        prev_idx = solicitation.hook_id
        log HookShot(prev_idx, hook_compensation)

    log Act(_receiver, compensation)

def _shot(hook: Hook, hook_input: HookInput):
    @notice Hook run implementation
>>> soon


Hooker.calc_compensation(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _duty: bool=False, _ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> uint256

Function to calculate the compensation for executing specific hooks.

Returns: amount of target coins to receive as compensation (uint256).

Input Type Description
_hook_inputs DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of HookInput structs representing the hooks to be executed.
_duty bool Wether the act is performed by the FeeCollector. Defaults to False.
_ts address timestamp at which to calculate the compensation for. Defaults to block.timestamp

Each HookInput struct contains:

  • hook_id: uint8 - The identifier for the hook to be executed.
  • value: uint256 - The amount of raw ETH to be sent with the hook execution.
  • data: Bytes[8192] - The data payload for the hook, including the method identifier and parameters.
Source code
struct HookInput:
    hook_id: uint8
    value: uint256
    data: Bytes[8192]

def calc_compensation(_hook_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN],
                    _duty: bool=False, _ts: uint256=block.timestamp) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate compensation for acting hooks. Checks input according to execution rules.
        Older timestamps might work incorrectly.
    @param _hook_inputs HookInput of hooks to act, only ids are used
    @param _duty Bool whether act is through fee_collector (False by default).
        If True, assuming calling from fee_collector if possible
    @param _ts Timestamp at which to calculate compensations (current by default)
    @return Amount of target coin to receive as compensation
    current_duty_counter: uint64 = self.duty_counter
    if _duty:
        hook_mask: uint256 = 0
        for solicitation in _hook_inputs:
            hook_mask |= 1 << solicitation.hook_id
        duties_checklist: uint256 = self.duties_checklist
        assert hook_mask & duties_checklist == duties_checklist, "Not all duties"

        time_frame: (uint256, uint256) = fee_collector.epoch_time_frame(Epoch.FORWARD, _ts)
        if time_frame[0] <= _ts and _ts < time_frame[1]:
            current_duty_counter = convert((_ts - START_TIME) / WEEK, uint64)

    compensation: uint256 = 0
    prev_idx: uint8 = 0
    num: uint64 = 0
    for solicitation in _hook_inputs:
        if prev_idx > solicitation.hook_id:
            raise "Hooks not sorted"
            num = num + 1 if prev_idx == solicitation.hook_id else 1

        hook: Hook = self.hooks[solicitation.hook_id]
        if hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.duty_counter < current_duty_counter:
            hook.compensation_strategy.cooldown.used = 0
        compensation += self._compensate(hook, _ts, num)
        prev_idx = solicitation.hook_id

    return compensation
>>> soon


Hooker.one_time_hooks(_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN])

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner of the FeeCollector contract.

Function to execute one-time-hooks. These are hooks that only need to be executed once, like coin approvals.

Input Type Description
_hooks DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of Hook structs.
_inputs DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN] Array of HookInput structs representing the hooks to be executed.

Each Hook struct contains:

  • to: The target address for the hook action.
  • foreplay: A byte array containing the method identifier and additional data.
  • compensation: The strategy for compensating the hook executor.
  • duty: A flag bool if the hook is mandatory or not.

Each HookInput struct contains:

  • hook_id: uint8 - The identifier for the hook to be executed.
  • value: uint256 - The amount of raw ETH to be sent with the hook execution.
  • data: Bytes[8192] - The data payload for the hook, including the method identifier and parameters.
Source code
struct Hook:
    to: address
    foreplay: Bytes[1024]  # including method_id
    compensation_strategy: CompensationStrategy
    duty: bool  # Hooks mandatory to act after fee_collector transfer

# Property: no future changes in FeeCollector
struct HookInput:
    hook_id: uint8
    value: uint256
    data: Bytes[8192]

def one_time_hooks(_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN]):
    @notice Coin approvals, any settings that need to be executed once
    @dev Callable only by owner
    @param _hooks Hook input
    @param _inputs May be used to include native coin
    assert msg.sender == fee_collector.owner(), "Only owner"

    self._one_time_hooks(_hooks, _inputs)

def _one_time_hooks(hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN]):
    for i in range(len(hooks), bound=MAX_HOOKS_LEN):
        self._shot(hooks[i], inputs[i])

def _shot(hook: Hook, hook_input: HookInput):
    @notice Hook run implementation
>>> soon


Hooker.buffer_amount() -> uint256: view

Getter for the buffer amount which represents the total potential compensation amount that might be required to execute all the hooks under their respective compensation strategies.

Returns: buffer amount (uint256).

Source code
buffer_amount: public(uint256)
>>> Hooker.buffer_amount()

Valid Interface a la ERC-165

In order for the Burner contract to be fully compatible with the FeeCollector, a specific interface needs to hold up as per ERC-165:

SUPPORTED_INTERFACES: constant(bytes4[2]) = [
    # ERC165: method_id("supportsInterface(bytes4)") == 0x01ffc9a7
    # Hooker:
    #   method_id("duty_act((uint8,uint256,bytes)[],address)") == 0x8c88eb86
    #   method_id("buffer_amount()") == 0x69e15fcb


Hooker.supportsInterface(_interface_id: bytes4) -> bool

Function to check if the burner supports the correct interface, as specified by the ERC-165 standard. This method makes sure the contract is compatible with the FeeCollector contract.

Returns: true or false (bool)

Input Type Description
_interface_id bytes4 ID of the interface.
Source code
SUPPORTED_INTERFACES: constant(bytes4[2]) = [
    # ERC165: method_id("supportsInterface(bytes4)") == 0x01ffc9a7
    # Hooker:
    #   method_id("duty_act((uint8,uint256,bytes)[],address)") == 0x8c88eb86
    #   method_id("buffer_amount()") == 0x69e15fcb

def supportsInterface(_interface_id: bytes4) -> bool:
    @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165.
    @param _interface_id Id of the interface
    return _interface_id in SUPPORTED_INTERFACES
>>> soon

Recovering ERC-20 Tokens and ETH


Hooker.recover(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_LEN])

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the owner or emergency_owner of the FeeCollector.

Function to recover ERC20 tokens or ETH from the contract by transferring them to the FeeCollector.

Input Type Description
_coins DynArray[ERC20, MAX_LEN] Array of coin addresses to recover.
Source code
def recover(_coins: DynArray[ERC20, MAX_LEN]):
    @notice Recover ERC20 tokens or Ether from this contract
    @dev Callable only by owner and emergency owner
    @param _coins Token addresses
    assert msg.sender in [fee_collector.owner(), fee_collector.emergency_owner()], "Only owner"

    for coin in _coins:
        if coin.address == ETH_ADDRESS:
            raw_call(fee_collector.address, b"", value=self.balance)
            coin.transfer(fee_collector.address, coin.balanceOf(self))  # do not need safe transfer
>>> soon


Hooker.fee_collector() -> address: view

Getter for the FeeCollector contract.

Returns: fee collector (address).

Source code
fee_collector: public(immutable(FeeCollector))

def __init__(_fee_collector: FeeCollector,
            _initial_oth: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN], _initial_oth_inputs: DynArray[HookInput, MAX_HOOKS_LEN],
            _initial_hooks: DynArray[Hook, MAX_HOOKS_LEN]):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _fee_collector Hooker is _hooked_ to fee_collector contract with no update possibility
    @param _initial_oth One time hooks at initialization
    @param _initial_oth_inputs One time hooks input at initialization
    @param _initial_hooks Hooks to set at initialization
    fee_collector = _fee_collector

    self._one_time_hooks(_initial_oth, _initial_oth_inputs)
>>> Hooker.fee_collector()